Monday, July 2, 2012

6 Ways Your Business Is Underachieving and How to Fix Them!

-By Development Network-

Expert Author Ronald M Allen

Many companies who have good people working for them fail every year. Take a look at this list of the 6 Most Common Ways that a perfectly viable business on paper, underachieves in reality.
1. Strategy
No matter how great your strategy is at the executive level, if you don't communicate a clear vision supported by the companies mission with departmental goals and objectives clearly defined right down the line they won't be implemented! It is a myth that all leaders are born, not made and adult learning is a crucial component in training your managers in how to motivate the staff through good communication and effective management strategies.
A short course of thought mapping for Employee Leadership Training will bring permanent benefits and ensure that your managers have the skills to implement the corporate strategy on which your business success depends.
2. Tactics
Strategy and tactics are constantly confused and this may cause friction and poor performance from good employees who feel frustrated by the poor organization of these important functions. Mind Mapping brain-based education allows employers to get to grips with organizational problems and streamline their whole operation through a series of steps and participatory exercises aimed at drawing upon the experiential knowledge the employees already posses.
3. Decision making
During plenary sessions, it is obvious that many companies have not carefully thought out a rational basis for decision-making. Brain based education and concept mapping brings all of these types of problems out into the open and provide training on how to develop a common process upon which to base all important decisions.
This can make a huge difference to annual profits, as costly mistakes cease to drain away money. Concept mapping teaches executives and managers the importance of basing their decisions on solid market research, customer feedback and the opinions of the shop-floor/office workers.
4. Creativity
Do you really know how much hidden creativity there is within your organization's pool of personnel? (This resource of knowledge is also referred to intellectual capital.) Well, you should find out because if you have people on your payroll who are not given a chance to contribute to the business unit within which they work and or the overall operation and development of innovative new products you are just wasting their talent and your investment in them on all levels.
The idea that only a few special people can be creative is misleading. The multitude of special points of view that your whole staff can offer should all go into the mix, because innovation demands novel ideas. Concept mapping focuses on showing all workers how to develop their creativity and contribute to the overall success of their organization.
Progress happens because people want to find ways of solving problems and most professional inventors may think of hundreds of impractical ideas before they hit on a solid solution. Therefore, logic dictates that the more different, divergent and creative ideas that come from a wider variety of perspectives, this will lead to more alternative solutions to any project or initiative under consideration. People from different cultures, traditions and countries may well be able to approach a production or design problem with just the right idea that sparks the development of a highly profitable innovation.
5. Underachieving staff
If your staff is underachieving don't accept the situation - change it! Poor staff retention costs U.S. industry millions of dollars each year. Education should not suddenly stop in our twenties and leave adults to deal with everything that life and work throw at them. Mind Mapping sessions for personnel have been tremendously successful in recent years as an aid to stimulating personal development and self-awareness. Self-awareness encourages people to seek ways to change behavior that brings negative outcomes while applying creative solutions to any given issue.
Thought mapping sessions provide a non-judgmental and safe environment for any problems to be discussed openly. This is vital to the success of any business, because if problems are not shared they cannot be resolved. Problem solving strategies can be introduced into the general workplace through brain-based education applications, which employees appreciate for the improvement it brings in their working atmosphere and subsequent morale rises.
6. Accountability
When things are not being done because clear accountability has not been established or the wrong people are getting the rewards, or punishments - performance, production and morale all suffer. Leaders must lead from the front by example and enforce with accountability via rewards and innovative strategies that Mind Mapping can bring to your business will emphasize your full support for your employees!
Trusting that this message reaches you in good health
Ronald M Allen Author Speaker Consultant

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